At a busy and packed meeting, our President, Ritu Kapur, had her first chance to perform the one task that every Club President enjoys the most – inducting a new member!
Our new member is Sivakumar Thaiman who prefers to be called “Siva”. Siva is a medical doctor and was introduced to our Club by Tom Hunt who was one of the membership development team working in London last Rotary Year. Tom brought the greetings of his Club President on the evening.
We all wish Siva a most successful Rotary career, and it got off to a most auspicious start! We had a repeat of the “Guess the Spots on the Cake” competition run on behalf of Macmillan Nurses at our Coffee Morning. The winning entry came from Chitra, wife of our new member Siva. That was an outstanding start!
We also had a report on the visit to Italy given by President Nominee Mollie, who had made a card to say “Thank you” to the members of our Contact Club for their hospitality.