Discussion Goes West


Our meeting on Wednesday 02 November 2016 was a discussion meeting.  But before we got to the discussion we had a report on our member Bob C who had been unwell and had been taken into hospital.  We all wish him well and look forward to seeing him again soon.

We had the usual reports on visits to other Clubs and events – including the “Lates Night” at the Science Museum and the London Press Club event the previous week.  There was also a report on the Provisional Rotary Club of Mayfair. There was an update on the Christmas Collections schedule, and a Happy Cash session that seemed to feature a lot of eye problems!

We had a short ‘training quiz’ in preparation for the District Quiz, and then we got down to a Discussion on matters a long way West of our Club – in the USA.  A discussion of the USA Presidential Election Candidates did not yield much that had not already been covered and recovered in the UK media.  However a discussion on what it is in the US Electoral System that allows candidates like the current ones to stand, and what could be done to change it did bear serious consideration.  Also a consideration in the different approaches between the US Civil Service and the UK Civil Service did bear fruit.  Whatever we think however, we should have a result – contested or not – by our next meeting!

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