With our President busy at another function, it fell to President Elect Mollie to chair the meeting on Wednesday 16 November 2016.
Our speaker on that evening was Joan Greening, a Rotarian from the Rotary Club of Elthorne and Hillingdon who is an internationally recognised playwright and author. Joan chose to speak on her experiences at the Edinburgh Festival where she has put on a play each year for the last several years.
She took us through the process of putting on a production at the Edinburgh Festival, and described the complications with venues, with actors, with audiences, and with the competition. Joan is a writer of comedies, and her natural good humour pervaded all the incidents she related.
She also showed us a little of the business side of the festival, describing what happens afterwards if you have a successful production.
All together, this was a fascinating evening with a delightful speaker who can be strongly recommended to any other Rotary Club.
On the same evening, the Club was presented with the Certificate received the previous week for our work for the Rotary Foundation.