Our meeting on 14 March was a business meeting, but first we heard about two members who were not enjoying the best of health. There were also reports on a strange phone call (nothing sinister!), a visit to the Welcome Trust in London and on the concert held in the Baptist Church in Harrow. We also drank a toast to Rotaract’s 50th Anniversary!
We then came to the highlight of the meeting, the induction of Mark Rose from the Salvation Army in Hendon, and we were introduced to Lindy, Mark’s wife. We all wish him every success in his Rotary career.
We then turned back to the business side of the meeting, including our wrongly reported attendance (now corrected!), the Sports Competitions (darts and table tennis), our programme and our possible visit to the Supreme Court in London. There was a brief discussion of the 5 Resolutions being proposed at the annual national Business Meeting in Torquay in April, a budget for Easter Eggs was agreed, and we agreed to start a developing world microfinance scheme based on Lend With Care after a long discussion.
Our Blood Pressure Day has moved again to 08 June 2018 (a Friday), and we heard that all the blankets offered to the London District of Rotary were now spoken for!