Business Looks to the Future

Our meeting on Wednesday 10 May 2023 was an online Business Meeting.

With our numbers somewhat depleted with other Rotary engagements that evening, our meeting was a little shorter in time than usual.  However, we got updates on members’ health, and our webmaster was welcomed back after recovering from Covid-19 in its latest variant form.

There was planning for two social occasions in late May and June, and as the last meeting in the month of May will be a 5th Wednesday, by tradition we like to do something different, and a local restaurant may be the beneficiary of that subtle change in plans.

The Club will be holding its annual Kids Out Day on 21 June 2023, and plans for that were also discussed.  Kids Out Day is an opportunity for disadvantaged children to have an exciting day out, and our efforts will be linked to the national Kids Out Charity.

Next week will be our Annual General Meeting!

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