Our meeting on Wednesday 08 February 2023 was a business meeting at which a number of plans and updates were worked on by the Club. In particular, each of the Service Chairs had prepared a report and these reports were discussed at the meeting.
The Club will be supporting the people of Turkey and Syria following the devastating earthquake there on 06 February 2023 through the charity Shelterbox, which specialises in providing relief after natural disasters.
The Club will be supporting another Rotary Global Grant Scholar in the year 2023-2024, and the committee to manage that has now been put in place. There are also a number of key events taking place in London over the coming months, including the arrival of the Rotary International President, Jennifer Jones (below), who comes from Canada (but is working in Evanston whilst she is our President).

2022-23 Rotary International President Jennifer Jones
The organisation and management of our on-line and hybrid meetings also came under close review, and a number of ideas were considered. Ticket Sales for the Club Quiz Night are going well, but there are a few places left – contact our Events Team here.
The scheduling and planning of Club meetings was also examined, and decisions will be made in the near future. Finally, there was a constitutional issue to be considered by Club members, which will doubtless lead to a vote at a future date.