Club Assembly for 2024-25

Our meeting on Wednesday 19 June 2024 was our Club Assembly when the detailed changes for the coming year were announced to the Club.  And there were quite a few significant changes.

We started with the name of the Club Officers and elected ordinary members of Club Council:
Presidents:  Ros and Ritu
President Elect: Siva
Immediate Past President: Mike
Secretary: Nigel
Treasurer: June
Elected Members: Andrew, Helen, Rachelle, Siva

We were then introduced to the Club Specialists (rather than the old style Committee Chairs). These are to be based on projects being supported by the Club rather than the traditional disciplines, and were supported by a handout for each person present.  Also on the handout was the revised Club Calendar, emphasising Project Meetings for the first meeting in each month, rather than the old style Club Business Meeting held on-line.  More Club events are planned for the coming year, with events being more closely tied to individual projects.

There was then a series of project goals set with special emphasis on Polio Eradication, support for Inbound Rotary Scholars, and a revised approach for Club Speakers.  Fundraising is key to all this, and there were new opportunities for fundraising too.

There will be an outbound Youth Exchange Student, and an outbound New Generation Service Exchange candidate.  There will be a new webmaster after more than 20 years, and a new Club Email Administrator.  These changes will require new members, and that project is also in hand.  There will be close liaison with the new District Hub, and with the North Star Project being operated by Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland.

The Clubs in London had been grouped by geographical location in the past, but this coming year that will be revised and consequently the number of Assistant Governors will change from 6 to 11.

The Club Assembly closed with the summary of the incoming Assistant Governor Suresh’s.  The meeting finished with votes of unanimous support for the Rotary North London Disability Games, for another batch of Crocus Corms, and for the purchase of another End Polio Now Teddy Bear (to be raffled at a local school).

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