His Worship the Mayor of Harrow.


At our in person  meeting on the 17th July our speaker , His Worship the Mayor of Harrow  Salim Chowdrey,the 72nd Mayor of Harrow,and the Mayoress attended our meeting.  He is the first Bangladeshi Mayor of Harrow and moved to the Borough aged 17. His theme for the year is “Unity and Diversity ” and his Charity is London Community Kitchen, a charity helping those struggling with food poverty. His passion to make a difference and to ensure people are heard, won him a seat in the council in 2006. He has since served as a Harrow Councillor representing Pinner South initially and now the Centenary Ward.

He gave a brief outline of his businesses and his community work: including serving as a school Governor and a volunteer community police officer, and spoke about his work in the community and specifically about the thousands of  meals distributed  free, during Covid and since, to individuals, Hospices,Hospitals and Care Centres.

President Ritu  presented the Mayor with donation for his charity, The London Community Kitchen and thanked him for visiting Northwick Park,and for his work, feeding  and continuing to  feed many thousands in the borough.

The meeting continued with members updates. A board was passed round for the International fund raising Lunch on the 28th July.

Dick donated a phone to the club to be used for all fund raising,this was a very timely gift, as a fund raising event for local charities is at Morrisons on  the 19th July. Dick also maintained the Northwick Park  Garden  this week . Thank you Dick.

Next Meeting on Zoom 24th July 2024, is with three speakers : On The RI international Convention

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