Our meeting on 30 January 2019 was to be a Job Talk by one of our newer members, but with so many members at a funeral the previous week, our arrangements were adjusted and the Job Talk was postponed. We did the usual pieces of business first, and there was a report on how both Rotary and Inner Wheel had presented cheques to two different schools in the Grenfell Community – by coincidence on exactly the same day! We also learned of the somewhat strange and unusual arrangements for the Annual Business Meeting for the whole of Great Britain and Ireland.
We then moved on to a discussion of the one question in Rotary that preempts all other questions – Where do we find the next Rotarians? The discussion was started by the General Secretary of Rotary International, John Hewko. He was not with us in person, but a video of an address he had given on this topic earlier in the month, formed the basis. Rachelle then led the discussion which covered many different ideas about where suitable people can be found, and how to increase their interest in Rotary.
Rachelle will now chair a special strategy group that will identify practical steps that the Club can take, and will oversee the progress that is made.
The meeting finished with a reminder that Felsted Aid is collecting on Sunday, 02 February 2019, and the dementia club will meet on Tuesday 04 February 2019.