Windy City to Space City

Our meeting on Wednesday 19 April 2023 was a meeting with a very special speaker, PDG Robert Morris talking about a cycle ride from the Windy City to Space City. Back in May and early June 2022, Robert and a group of Rotarians had cycled from Chicago (Windy City) to Houston (Space City) in order to raise awareness of diabetes for the Rotary Action Group on Diabetes (  The total distance cycled over the two week ride was 1,309 kilometres (813 miles).

Robert is a Past District Governor for District 1130 (Greater London, UK) and is the incoming Board Chair of Rotary Great Britain and Ireland for 2023-2024.

Robert described the group’s experiences in a number of towns, introducing us to Chester, Illinois – the home of Popeye the Sailorman! We were also shown the Arch in St Louis and a Confederate Memorial Cemetery near Mansfield, Arkansas.

Robert commented on the courtesy of the road extended to the group by considerate truckers, ensuring that their path on the road was not impeded or compromised. On one occasion, when there were miles of roadworks to pass, the group was led by a site manager on a special route past the site and the site equipment was cleared so they had a clear path on the wrong side of the carriageway.

The group arrived at the convention in good order, and in good time, and were entertained in Harris County, the location of the Convention Hall, by the County Commissioner.

The purpose of the ride was to raise awareness to diabetes – a serious problem with many citizens in the USA. There were many opportunities for the group to address Rotary Clubs on the route, and these were taken up. The group then hosted a booth in the Convention Centre House of Friendship.

With nearly 100 photos and a video, this was a packed presentation. There were many questions asked including queries on punctures and breakdowns!


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