Around Africa in 18 minutes

Our speaker on Wednesday 11th September was Lieut-colonel Nigel H E Schultz. International auditor, Salvation Army. The Organisation was founded in 1865 by William Booth.

Before his talk on Africa he outlined his Rotary career. He joined Leigh on Sea Rotary in 2001, on his return from 3 years work in Africa. He then moved to Barking and joined Barking Rotary. where he was President of Barking Rotary twice, in 2007 and 2011.He and his wife were then asked to return to work in Africa..

A walk through video glance, to his current office, at the Salvation Army International Headquarters building in Queen Victoria St London, preceded his main talk on Africa.

His Talk, Around Africa in 18 minutes,began with his return to Ghana where he worked for 6 years. The video and his talk illustrated his journey and work around Africa’s 54 countries. He shared a few facts about some of the countries one of which was Ethiopia. He landed there on the 8th January to find they were celebrating Christmas day. We were informed hat Ethiopia was the heart of Christianity and where Christianity spread very Quickly.

On one of his trips he took a group of students to Tanzania and had the best swim he ever had in the Indian Ocean and experienced wonderful safaris.

The animal photographs illustrated how closely they got to the animals on Safari in Tanzania.

We saw a selection of the different colour Salvation Army uniforms worn in different countries. We heard about banding, music, rivers and lakes:- Lake Victoria, the River Volta and his visit to the source of the river Nile. We were shown the red earth and sand with gold in Malawi. Many memories were shared as experienced in the many countries from West Africa to Southern Africa. The video and photographs gave an insight of the Salvation Army’s work across Africa and world wide and Nigel’s work and amazing experiences. Last year Nigel visited 12 countries.

A fascinating visual journey, with a flavour of the colours sights and sounds of Africa, as well as the Salvation Army’s wonderful work with their motto: Heart to God, Hand to Man.


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