The first 2025 meeting was a business meeting,which set the scene for the months activities.
The second meeting on zoom welcomed RI Global Scholar Gary Chang a law graduate from the university of Hong Kong.He explained that he is a passionate speaker about his work and would like to present to many Rotary Clubs to share his experience and knowledge. He is currently a Master of Laws student at University College London and described himself as an active advocate in peace education and refugee protection in Honk Kong, where he also worked with NGO’s :- UNESCO HK Glocal Peace Center, Rotary Action Group for Peace Hong Kong and The D.H Chen Foundation,He highlighted why he chose to study in the UK and specifically UCL One of the three focuses of Rotary peace building causes is REFUGEES and UCL do International & European Refugee Law studies and the H.K legal system stems from British Common Law System.When he returns to HK his aim is to provide legal representation for refugees and asylum seekers and advocate systematic changes and policy reforms with NGO’s
The speaker at the third meeting was DGE Adrian Faiers. He delivered a very detailed presentation on Corporate Membership and explained how this model of membership, together with all the other types of membership is part of the RGB&I North Star Project to increase membership, enabling Rotary to increase their impact and continue changing lives worldwide.
The last meeting of the month was a fun New Year Social at a local Restaurant Dona Theresa
A perfect way to end a successful month which included a donation from the students from St Gregory’s School who raised awareness for Rotary’s Polio Eradication Program by planting crocus corms in Woodcock Park, and raffling a Purple4Polio Teddy.