Welcome to the Rotary Club of Northwick Park
Category Archives: Latest News
Rapid Business Meeting
Our meeting on 12 May 2021 was a Club Business Meeting, but with many of the members of the Club at the meetings of District Committees that evening, there was not a lot of business to be done! Plans for … Continue reading
Discussing Rotary’s Future
Our meeting on 05 May 2021 was a discussion meeting. After the usual reports on the Welfare of the Members, who had visited where, and what other news needed to be announced, we settled into our discussion. The future … Continue reading
The Story Behind UK-AID
Our meeting on Wednesday 28 April 2021 had two speakers from the same organisation – Pauline Craven and Alan Hillier. Both are Paul Harris Fellows, and have won a Rotary GB&I Community Champions Award. Both are working full time for … Continue reading
Work Starts to Return Now
After a full year of various levels of lockdown, members of the Rotary Club of Northwick Park were able to get back to the Northwick Park Hospital Garden and make an assessment of the work that needs to be done … Continue reading
Avoiding Aid Dependency
Our meeting on Wednesday 21 April 2021 was a meeting with a speaker. But as well as the speaker, there was lots of news about the progress with the jabs being received by the members, and their first outings for … Continue reading
Finding Our Way Back
Our meeting on Wednesday 14 April 2021 was a business meeting with the usual reports from all those responsible for the Club’s Projects and Activities. One of the most interesting topics discussed was how to find a way back to … Continue reading
Club at Home to St Mungo’s
Our speaker on Wednesday 07 April 2021 was Kirsty Purnell of St Mungo’s (https://www.mungos.org/). Before Kirsty spoke to the Club we had reports on the welfare of our members, and news on the progress being made with Covid-19 vaccinations in … Continue reading
Scholarship Recollections
Our speaker on Wednesday 31 March 2021 was Michael Fisher who had had a year as a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar back in 1989-1990, studying International Relations at the London School of Economics. He took part in the meeting from the … Continue reading
International Insight Given
At our meeting on 24 March 2021, we had our Rotary Global Grant Scholar Lukas Wahden speak to the Club. Lukas comes from Paderborn in Germany, but after first visting London when 15 years old, and having studied at University … Continue reading
Rotary Hits The Right Note
On Sunday 21 March 2021, we held our Musical Variety Night using our on-line meeting software to great affect and bringing great pleasure to many people who attended the event. There was some serious music from the Salvation Army … Continue reading