Welcome to the Rotary Club of Northwick Park
Category Archives: Latest News
Dictionaries Delivered Safely
Our annual project, providing dictionaries to the final year class at Earlsmead Primary School in Harrow was able to go ahead on schedule despite the current lock-down and requirement for physical distancing. Our Community Chair Mark was able to take … Continue reading
Handover Completed Virtually
Our meeting on 01 July 2020 was our Club Handover Meeting. Being a ‘virtual’ meeting online, things were quite different from normal, but in the end that proved to be no handicap for the Club. and all the business was … Continue reading
What Happened in Room 711?
Our meeting on 24 June was an on-line meeting of the Club with a speaker on the subject of Room 711 and what had happened there. All Rotarians learn the importance to Rotary of 23 February 1905 when the first … Continue reading
Spotting Slavery in London
Our speaker on 17 June 2020 was Major Heather Grinsted of the Salvation Army, who spoke to the Club on the subject of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. At a well-attended meeting, with several guests including Mark Little (who is … Continue reading
Planter Arrives in Kenton
To the great delight of the people of Kenton, the local authority has now planted up the street plant containers, and brightened up our surroundings. During most of the pandemic, we have been without any greenery or flowers in our … Continue reading
Club Assembly Holds Promise
The Club held its Annual Assembly on 10 June 2020, where the Club’s new officers and specialists lay out the planned programme for the coming year. As you can imagine, the current lock-down and restrictions on activities were a significant … Continue reading
Smooth AGM Satisfies
The on-line meeting of the Club on 03 June was the Annual General Meeting. With a good turnout – 30 people took part – there was plenty of good humour, and even a dog managed to take part at one … Continue reading
Lasting Powers Explained
Our speaker at our on-line meeting on 27 May 2020 was Gaye Illsley who addressed the Club on the topic of Lasting Power of Attorney. This is a topic about which many of the public are either confused or misinformed. … Continue reading
Facing COVID-19 with Music
Our speaker on Wednesday 20 May 2020 was a Rotarian from India, Dr Hari Haran MA, MM, MEd, Phd (x2) from Pondicherry was introduced by our President Elect. He talked on how to face COVID-19 better with Indian Music Therapy. … Continue reading
Coronavirus gets the Crisping Treatment
For the avoidance of doubt, we need to make it clear that we are not talking about CRISPR – the technique used for gene editing. No, we are talking about sour cream and onion flavoured potato crisps! The Rotary Club … Continue reading